I am a Welsh artist, born in Cardiff. I spent my childhood in the village of Gwaelod y Garth where I acquired my love for the mountains.
I trained in London and worked as a carver and gilder for many years, in both London and North Wales, mainly in the restoration of gilt mirrors and furniture. I returned to painting in 2000 and became a member of the North Wales Society of Fine Art in 2010 of which I am now vice chair.
The wild landscape of Snowdonia is the main inspiration for my work and I try to capture my understanding of it in oil paint. The complex rock formations and glacial lakes, along with random scatterings of stone in scrubby grassland, is the result of millions of years of plate tectonics, volcanic eruptions, glaciation and erosion. Along with its impressive geology, the atmospheric effects of the weather and light in the mountains is an important aspect of my work and is often the extra something that inspires a painting.
I aim for a painterly realism in my work and to represent the gritty, complexity of nature with pallet knife and brush marks.
I often paint and sketch outdoors and this influences my work. Studio landscapes usually start with a simple sketch where I determine the composition and mood.
I am in awe of the wild landscape of Snowdonia and I hope this sense of wonder comes across in my work.